
2002-04-01 @ 6:19 p.m.

i really dislike religion. and too all of you religious folks out there - i really don't care if i offend you bc afterall this is my diary and these are my feelings and aren't we all entiitled to them? yes we are.

but i've been thinking, and have come to the conclusion that for myself - religion is a crock of shit. it is an excuse. a crutch. we as humans are just scared. and we are selfish. we cannot except life in itself so we have to force ourselves to believe that in the end we will be rewarded for merley living. isn't life a gift enough? its beautiful. its precious and moments are fleeting.

but still - we choose to be told and to except that there is one moral way to live. we are made to believe that there is omeone, besides ourselves who we must live for. that is so unfair. that is so wrong. and people miss out. i'm sorry but they do.

we have one chance in his world. be a good person, by your own standards. believe in yourself and the people who you love, but don't let yourself be dictated by an unseen so called "force". don't live in fear. shit happens. death happens. and the ground is cold and uninviting, but it won't matter.

it won't matter

nothing matters

at all

i'm sorry for the outburst. i just read "sinners in the hands of an angry god" ugh. god can kiss my ass.

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