
2002-12-03 @ 3:07 p.m.

nevermind that I sat for endless hours and listened to you strum. mindless hours, after eating mushrooms, and you would just strum.

Or fuck the fact that i was at all your jam session, when you could only really play weezer, and i'll forget now that you used to play jamie. sing it and look at me. you wanted me there

and i was there throughout your "i need to learn every guitar solo in the history of phish" phase, and "i must perfect radiohead" ventures...I sat and i listened and i loved it.

Don't forget that I was there through your jazz awakening, and I listened to your muddled improvs and attended your jazz band christmas show...so proud of you- you had a solo. so proud.

how could you forget the hours i spent supporting you, and your friends and your band and your keyboard experimental period. I listened to you drone on about music theory.

hell, we had sex in the music room at school. you were that obsessed and i was that supportive.

but you have forgotten. It seems, and today when i called you - bc you have a gig, and I told you i'd be there - to support you - cheer you on, alomsot gloat at the amazing guitarist that you are - you tell me not to come.

because of her.

i will cramp your style

you said this.

i'm offended, and she has no idea the person you really are, or rather the amazing person you once were. i had the best of you.

I hope you fuck up major tonight doug.

and no i won't be there next tuesday.

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