
2002-12-30 @ 1:32 a.m.

Do you ever wonder when your life will start? When will you become the person that you are supposed to be?

When do adults begin to wear sweatshirts with winnie the pooh on them, and ked sneakers? Do you ever wonder when someone falling, your momma jokes, and billy madison ceases to be enough to make you smile? When does life turn sad?

I am only 18. I feel like I haven't aged past 12, boobs or otherwise, but I guess I have. Now i see girls at the mall, and they have to be no older than 13, with tons of makeup, and clothing bought at hot topic. They think they are so individual, and so rebellious. I overheard a young girl today, going on and on about how her mom was a bitch and she needed to just leave her the fuck alone. I wanted to slap her in the face and tell her to not say fuck, and to wipe off that makeup. She looked so ridiculous. I guess I've always been the same. I hate makeup and I love my mom. I guess I was a dork back in the day. When I was 12 i think i still played pretend. Or maybe I have it wrong, and I was the cool one..either way..my point is, why would you want to leave childhood behind? Where do these kids think they are going? If you think about it, life is just one big circle..you are born, you are a baby, you are a kid, you are a teenager, you think you know it all, you are an adult, and you start to wear winnie the pooh and keds again, you get old, you begin to need someone to wipe your ass.

I think people might as well stay kids. Life is a lot more fun that way.

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