you should see that lady bend

2004-03-17 @ 12:12 a.m.

Today I was driving to school, and I saw a glove smashed on the middle of the street. It was a weird sight, but as i passed it I saw that the thumb of the glove was sticking up in the air. Good sign? Seemingly so.

The entire drive to school was a scenery of thought provokingness (new word Websters!) Like do you ever drive by a big black garbage bag on the road and think to yourself :"I wonder if there is a body in that bag"

I imagined this whole scenario where I pulled over on the side of the road and tentativley poked a hole in the bag, only to be greeted with the stinking remains of anyoldbody. I am a hero, The kidnapped girl is found, and john doe goes to jail, complete with snazzy neon orange jump suit and snarl.

but alas, it was just a day dream and the reality of the bag was probably much more tame. It was probably someones trash, and they are too lazy to pay for a trash truck to come pick it up so they drive out to this desolate road in the middle of the night, and throw the bag out of the window. it is actually a really good system. Noone asks about discarded bags, and besides those guys from the local prison need something to pick up from the side of the road anyways.

Its scary because I think all of these things while driving. When i reach my destination I have no idea how i got there in one peice.

I had yoga today. My yoga teacher is like 78 and can put her legs behind her head with ease. Impressive, and rather disturbing. I wish I had a camera, but I guess that would be kind of rude and perverted.

Not that there is anything wrong with rude and perverted, but I think older people are exempt from any part of that sort of a thing. atleast they are in my book.

We had to bring in a picture of our "quiet corner" - a place we go to reflect and unwind. I guess I am really unoriginal becuase i brought in a picture of my bed. Every other girl had made a corner with candles and enya. Frauds.

My teacher asked me how many times a day I visited my quiet corner, and I told her Once - maybe twice if i'm lucky.

Noone laughed at my seedy joke but my best friend. Thats what they are for right?

Best friends not seedy jokes.

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