how to end those annoying pop-ups for good!

2004-05-26 @ 2:24 a.m.

for a number of weeks this particular person has im'd me, wanting to talk dirty - so i gave it to him good. real good.

JDownlow28: heyyyyyyyyyyyyy baby wanna cyber????

Jamer218: i think that idealism is kind of a crock of shit, to be honest, it is just an expectation that noone can meet, because honeslty once you reach your ideal, it still won't be good enough

Jamer218: so the idea of idealism as a whole is simply idealistic, but false in itself

Jamer218: don't you agree?

Jamer218: ideally - in your mind as a women my sexual role would be a submissive one

Jamer218: but the reality of the situation is quite different

JDownlow28: And I like that

Jamer218: because what i would really like to do is hit you with a mallot, and you'd like it and cry like a girl, which would reverse the expected roles

Jamer218: as a man you are taught that you are supposed to fuck me real hard, and make me moan, but i believe that is a crock of shit. Women have vaginas, which are fundamentally made to be entered

Jamer218: wouldn't it make sense that we would want something different than what is ingrained in us by biology

Jamer218: and as a man, even though it goes against the notion that you are the one who is to be the enterer, the enforcer, i bet what you really want to do is be cuddled and petted

Jamer218: women spend all of their lives burturing

Jamer218: *nurturing

Jamer218: in the bedroom the sexual roles should be reversed, don't you agree?

Jamer218: what have i frightened you?

feel free to IM this scumsucker. if you do - make sure to rant about any topic you feel compelled to rant about. its fun

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