
2003-07-10 @ 5:20 p.m.

I forgot i had this thing, to be honest, and i'm sure noone missed me, but I'm gonna write anyways

I've been getting the big disorder squared away, going to a clinic, being forced to eat food and be stagnant

Interesting huh?

Last night i found out one of my best friends from highschool is now touring with Sigur Ros. How did this happen you may ask? Its alex somers, and he has always been destined for greatness. He is staying in the drummers apartment.

Personally i could see him being a young, small, greek sex-slave to this man...alex was always potentially gay. I mean he used to carry around a lavendar purse he got at the thrift store, with a stick of concealer inside, that he would occasionaly put on his lips. He thought it was meant for that.

I had some cool friends in highschool. Doug, the pot-head tennis champ, Alex - the boy who wore cardigan sweaters like he was mister rogers, Jake - who never had matching clean socks - ( we would give he pop sock tests and he would always fail), ryan - who drank anti freeze and lived to tell the tale, I could go on for days - but i'd just get too sad and remnisent.

I really did spend all of my time with this people, and I hardley talk to anyone now. I guess we all have lives.

Life really gets in the way or idle time and weirdness.

The good old days of getting drunk and watching shindlers list are over. Shame.

Plus - Bjork is on tour with Sigur Ros. How come it happens for some people, and not others?

I'ms till stuck in this town, working towards a boring nursing degree, hanging out with my now - sober boyfriend and getting excited oever the events on Making the Band Diddy style.

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